Ever since the protests over George Floyd’s death were hijacked into looting, rioting, burning cities and erasing history, I became worried that there was something more behind this…something much bigger and dangerous.
We know for a fact that the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes are complicit.
Because they report what they’re told without investigating or questioning most of the “Authorities” involved.
Who are these “Authorities,” anyway?
Ironically (or NOT) NOT ONE OF THEIR FORECASTS about the CoronaFraud has been correct.
Not only have they flip-flopped on their opinions, they’re now building a case for another lockdown based on the “2nd Wave” of increased numbers of supposedly infected people.
Why is this happening now?
The obvious answer is it’s a full court press to deny Trump a second term.
But it’s much deeper than that.
The DEEP STATE knows that Trump has the pieces in place – after Epstein’s suicide murder – to upset their apple cart.
That became obvious this past weekend when the Southern District of New York (SDNY) Attorney, Geoff Berman was ousted by William Barr. (more on that later)
The SDNY is the most lawless/criminal place in the world for all practical purposes.
The highest crimes committed there are mostly of finance and systemic looting by the banks.
It’s the safe haven for the boyz in the “Club” and where their illegal activities go unpunished.
Example: the SDNY protected the all the banksters from being brought up on charges from the 2008 meltdown. (another topic for another time)
With the sacking of Berman, it appears Trump sliced a huge gash in one of the Deep State’s vital organs. And they’re hemorrhaging blood at an alarming rate.
From hereon you should expect the hatred of Trump to accelerate.
This is why the DEEP STATE needs guys like Bill Gates as the poster child for distractions.
By keeping you focused on contact tracing, mandatory vaccines, certificates of CovidFree, etc., they hope you won’t see how the they’re losing their grip.
They also don’t want you to see that useful idiots shooting each other in Seattle or knocking down statues are irrelevant.
They know useful idiots eventually become useless eaters in any post-Marxist revolution.
Instead of being compromised by these unparalleled events, learn how to profit from them.
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