March 2025
March 10, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Trump Fires up UFC Event

The surprise appearance of Trump at a packed UFC event in Miami on Saturday night serves as a warning to Liberals on a sinking ship.


Two of my sons who were at the event said: “Not only did his appearance cause the crowd to erupt into a frenzy, it was quickly followed by a raucous chant of “F*ck Joe Biden.” 


And the “Rock Star” greeting should send shivers down the spines of the spineless O’Biden supporters.




Because, he could be indicted on 1000 fake charges, it no longer matters.


America knows that he’s more popular than ever.  


Fake news, corrupt government, DEI and wokeness couldn’t pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.


And, best of all, events like this confirm that the globalists power over the American mind, is gone.


But…and this is a very Big Butt…


People who would bring fake charges in front of kangaroo courts to imprison/bankrupt their political opponents are also capable of rigging elections.


As a result, in November, they will be cheating LIKE NEVER BEFORE.


And there’s a good chance we’ll hear something like…



“Unfortunately, due to a completely “Unforeseen” “Emergency”, we are going to cancel elections until further notice.”




Dangers of a UFC Event




We hate to even think it, but this is the type of event where Trump could get JFK’ed.


And the headlines would read he was killed by:



‘A crazed, gun toting, white Christian nationalist that enjoys blood sports’



Think we’re making this up?


Do you remember the movie Snake Eyes starring Nicholas Cage?


That’s pretty much the plot.

Politician gets assassinated at a boxing match.


But as far as the UFC is concerned, it makes you wonder why Antifa has never shown up to protest at a UFC event while Trump was there.


Maybe it’s because this is all scripted…and Trump is the Master of Promotion…scripted or unscripted.


Or Maybe it’s because Trump is seen as a folk hero fighting against the swamp. Not sure it is deserved, but possibly the only chance the USA has right now.


Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we’re seeing how the landslide that is coming will be historic.  And the only thing in the way is the false flag being planned to thwart it.



So, as we mentioned last week:



Warning: Don’t be surprised if we see the markets pull back over the next few months.


Translation:  If you haven’t raised cash in the recent rally, you are running out of time.


So be sure to read our March issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to see what sectors of the market are most vulnerable.


And share this with a friend…regardless of what they think about Trump.

They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.






Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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