Facing a No-Confidence Vote in February, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns…at last.
Ironically (or NOT) Trudeau made the announcement on January 6th, the very day that Congress was set to certify the vote in the United States for Trump.
We suspect Trudeau chose January 6th, hoping the major news would be on Trump and that he could hide behind those headlines.
And this was after many weeks of turmoil within the Liberal Caucus in Canada in addition to a collapse in approval ratings and a rebellion within his political party.
Suffice it to say we are not surprised but more relieved at his resignation.
And over the years we have highlighted some of his numerous antics as being one of Klaus Schwab’s young Globalist WEF (World Economic Forum) Boyz determined to take over the world.
The man is a Bonafide Narcist who has been called a dictator by many Canadians.
And his background (and grooming for politics) is dubious at best…just ask his mother.
Over the last 10 years he has almost destroyed Canada in his mishandling of serious economic and political issues.
And we want to highlight some of his famous quotes:
The budget will balance itself…
We will grow the economy from the heart out…
We like to say peoplekind, not mankind, because it’s more inclusive…
Poverty is sexist…
If we are elected you will forgive me if I don’t think about monetary policy…
This pandemic provides the perfect opportunity for a reset
Oh! And let’s not forget the numerous times he appeared as a Blackface…to impress the girls, of course.
Trudeau Resigns
It’s interesting to note how, during his career, the media Presstitutes failed to mention how his parents practically worshipped Fidel Castro.
And how, in the 70’s, the First Lady Wild Child partied at the infamous Studio 54 in New York, partied with the Rolling Stones, and scandalized Canada.
Trudeau’s demise has been baked in the cake for quite some time.
But the final nail in his coffin began when he shut down all the trucker’s bank accounts as they protested/opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border truck drivers.
Ironically (or NOT) the Covid 19 scam is coming back to haunt those (like Trudeau) who abused it for power.
Rightfully so.
And the takeaway from Trudeau’s fall from grace serves as an illustration/reminder of the evils of Socialism:
- Every Country Klaus Schwab Has Touched Has Fallen into Disarray
- Socialism Lowers the Standard of Living on its Road to Poverty
- Just Look at Eastern Europe, Russia, China, and Latin America
- Socialism Lowers the Whole to the minimalist possibility – it never raises the standard of living
Bottom Line Here: Canada is in trouble.
And their dollar stands to crumble in the markets.
Hedge accordingly, and profit from it (HERE).
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