Something that’s intended to ‘Spook’ most investors (pun intended) is how the Banksters are being investigated over Climate Change.
Last week a coalition of 19 state attorneys general from across the country launched a formal investigation into six major U.S. banks.
They cited legal concerns about the banks’ “ESG” (“Environmental, Social, and Governance”) investing and their involvement with a United Nations alliance fighting CO2 emissions.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
The banks named include Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup.
Ironically (or NOT) the above mentioned are the biggest “Primary Dealers” for facilitating the sale, purchase and repurchase of government debt…especially the REPO market.
READ: Bond Market Tremors = Why Banks Don’t Trust Banks February 24, 2020
And these same banks were the recipients of $29 Trillion – of your tax dollars – in bailouts in 2008…courtesy of Goldman Sachs, (AKA “The Squid”).
BTW, the term ESG is increasingly being linked by opponents to a woke mentality, “social justice” ideas, and radical left-wing politics.
Also keep in mind that the government assists their Boyz (Banksters) through investigations.
Wait! What?
Upon close inspections, 99% of the time, those “investigations” conveniently find nothing illegal.
Then the media runs BS stories about how benevolent the banks are and are just looking out for our economic interests in new, innovative ways.
If they really cared about ESG, all banks would need to stop doing business with the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
Case closed.
UN Should be Investigated Over Climate Change
We believe the UN should be abolished.
Its only purpose is to control all nations under globalist/communist control, a one world government, ruled by un-elected billionaire psychopaths.
It serves no other purpose.
These psychopaths want to use ESG/Climate Change to *poof* make our currency disappear into carbon credits.
And they NEED the banks to pull it off.
So, this “investigation” is another form of entertainment for the masses.
And consider this:
The whole CO2 story is a scam.
Not only is CO2 plant food, it’s what we exhale.
So, in order to bring CO2 to net zero, both will have to cease living.
Keep that in mind whenever you hear how some group/person – or especially the Financial Industry – is being investigated for “Climate Change.”
And remember that the media is only serving their Wall Street Overlords who tell them what to say.
Learn how to fight back against this corruption every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
And be sure to read our FREE SPECIAL REPORT: Global Warming, the Biggest Scam of the 21st Century…So Far (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’re concerned about ESG.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
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