March 11, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Tomorrow…the Trump Train or Lolita Express?


Unfortunately, the 2020 election has come down to whether, we as a nation, stay on the Trump Train or hop on the Lolita Express.

If you haven’t voted already, then you should definitely vote tomorrow.

And if you want to keep America away from the Globalists nefarious agenda, you need to stay on the Trump Train.

We’re not telling you how to vote…

Check that!

Yes, we are.

Censorship Runs Amuck

Last week – after witnessing the most IN YOUR FACE CENSORSHIP by Big Tech in collusion with the Whores-Of-Babble-On Prostitutes – should be all evidence you need to be Hidin’ from Biden.

And for those of you still sitting on the fence we suggest you watch some of the videos out there from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

If that doesn’t convince you that pedophilia is alive and well in the Biden family, then nothing will.

Ironically (or NOT) Twitter was forced to Un-Censor (16 days later) the New York Post article that broke the whole story wide open.


They – like all the other lame-stream media outlets (Cough! ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, etc. Hairball Cough!) who are back peddling like a drunken sailor crackhead – realize their credibility has been totally destroyed by supporting covering up for the Biden family.

So far, the presstitutes spent more time investigating Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbook than investigating what’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Corruption Runs Deep

And speaking of “covering up” let’s not forget how the FBI:


  • Sat on this information…knowing the Biden family was corrupt taking in $100s of Millions from Ukraine
  • Allowed Trump to be impeached…knowing it was all a total sham
  • Never once spoke out about it, which makes them culpable with the Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas


Yes, you read that right…including the Clintons, Obamas, AND the Bush Crime Family Syndicate.

We’ve been saying all along that this will be the most corrupt election in history.

And, so far, we’ve only scratched the surface of how deep this sinister rabbit hole runs.

As a result, you should expect lots of fireworks soon after the votes are counted.

The Globalists need Biden to win to further their GREAT RESET.

Don’t let it happen.  Vote.

And be sure to read how the Great Reset has already started in Europe in our November issue of “…In Plain English” HERE.

It’s Not Just About Finance.







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