If history teaches us anything it’s that most wars are deliberate. And with NATO pushing us closer to WW3, you have to wonder if they cannot be that stupid.
Using history as our guide we know that WWII was a result of FRD deliberately provoking Japan by using…wait for it…sanctions.
Not only did Roosevelt inflict embargos on the Japanese – by freezing their money, and cutting them off from all energy – he then threatened to blockade their ships when they turned to buy fuel from other nations.
So, is it any wonder why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to eliminate the US fleet after the threats of an embargo?
Ironically (or NOT) what we are doing to Russia – sanctions that NEVER work – is exactly what FDR did to Japan.
And, like Japan, there will be only one resolution…WW3.
Cannot Be That Stupid
It’s hard to believe that those in Washington and Brussels are that stupid.
And by baiting Russia into WW3, they actually believe they can destroy Russia’s economy that’s 50% dependent on energy/fossil fuels.
And just like the weapons of mass destruction – that never existed in Iraq – or Vietnam who never attacked us – or the sinking of the Lusitania because we were secretly sending arms to Britain after swearing we were neutral when it comes to war – we are NEVER told the truth.
As a result, this will justify the Globalists labeling of “Climate Change/Global Warming” as the real reason for War.
Instead of calling it WW3 we’ll continue to call it “The Climate Change War.”
Again, they simply cannot be that stupid.
Which is why we believe this imminent threat of war is all Deliberate.
Meanwhile, the markets are setting up for an extremely high volatility index going into 2023 and beyond.
But that doesn’t mean we’re going to see a 90% drop in value like all the doom porn freaks like to preach about.
AND Political Chaos
Instead, the resulting Political Chaos of 2023 will provide you with opportunities of a lifetime…if you’re paying attention.
The problem is the Presstitutes will keep everyone distracted with WW3.
But you don’t have to fall for their distractions.
Instead, keep ahead of the crowd by joining our crowd of Free Thinkers (HERE), where we show you how things operate “Behind the Curtain.”
And we explain how Wall Street works in a simple and easy to understand publication appropriately called “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’re prone to distractions.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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