The Covid nut-cases are on the rampage and soon we’ll be seeing Nazi-like tactics such as “Ver arr your Papers Please?”
Think I’m kidding?
Think again.
And while you’re at it be sure to check out how the Australian army has begun transporting “Covid Positive” cases to Concentration Quarantine Camps.
Wait! What?
Keep in mind these aren’t people who are deathly sick.
They’re simply “Covid Positive.”
What’s really weird is that this is taking place in the northern territories * of Australia where their Minister, Michael Gunner, has said… “the threat to lives is extreme.”
(*Note, the Northern Territories are home to a large percentage of indigenous Australians.)
But the question remains: “How extreme can it be when talking about two towns, Binjari and Rockhole, whose populations are around 220 and 130 respectively?”
Ver Arr Your Papers Please?
Maybe it’s just me, but does the idea of taking people to concentration quarantine camps who are ONLY Covid positive sound a bit extreme to you?
Or maybe somehow these two small towns in the Northern Territories pose a serious threat to the world…NAAHHH!
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the threat of Covid Camps is another Nazi Globalist tactic to strike fear into the sheeple to insure they keep taking their booster clot shots.
The madman of Australia, has come out and told the people who are vaccinated that if they want to retain any freedom, they must regularly be vaccinated with boosters every 6 months.
In Austria, they are imprisoning people who are not vaccinated.
If you look beyond the United States and you will see this nefarious agenda unfolding.
It’s all about controlling the population.
They know when government fails, there will be an uprising.
So, to prevent civil unrest, they are using these vaccines to control people.
What these “Boyz” do not want is resistance gathering from all over Europe into one place.
Ironically (or NOT) they are reinstating the Nazi protocol – Papers Please!
For the time being the United States is different than Europe or Australia.
Biden does not have the power to order lockdowns nationwide.
And his attempt to force vaccinations on companies with 100 or more employees is going through federal agencies which do not have such powers.
Bottom line: It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
And, unfortunately, this is the set-up to introduce a Man-Made Depression in 2022.
To prepare for this be sure to read “When Let’s Go Brandon Meets a Man-Made Depression in 2022” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re thinking of getting a booster clot shot.
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