Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

The Ungodly Are Either Ignorant or Politicians


This email isn’t saying that all politicians are ignorant and/or ungodly.

Well…maybe it is…kinda, sorta.

However, in today’s world, it’s hard to imagine how most of our servants in Washington actually believe their job is to serve “We the People.”

Instead, most of our Congress Critters have used their influence to increase their wealth…at your expense.

At the same time, they chose to ignore the fact that a day of reckoning for their actions is coming.

Cue up, 2020, The Year of Chaos where I believe we’ll see the battle between good vs evil ramp up significantly.

This isn’t to say that Donald Trump is the Messiah sent to MAGA.

However, biblical history reveals how God used an ungodly man, Cyrus – the King of Persia (Iran) – to restore Jerusalem.


“Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah…”

2 Chronicles 36:23


Ironically, (or NOT) Cyrus was met with a lot of resistance to restore Jerusalem…and (like Trump) his detractors eventually fell by the wayside.

This is what we’re seeing today in all the madness, desperation, and melodrama coming out of Washington DC.

The global markets are already in chaos (which is why Billions of dollars keep flowing to the US every month).

You should expect the chaos to increase starting in 2020.

Bear in mind, the markets always give you a “heads up” as to what direction they’re headed.

And to “those with ears to hear” it can be the difference between making and/or losing a fortune.

Learn how to survive and thrive in turbulent times in our October issue of “…In Plain English.”


You’ll thank us later.





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