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The Tolerant Left New Slogan

In Case You Missed it…the latest slogan from the tolerant left is “Remove this President or there will be violence.”

The never ending ‘Orange man bad’ protests outside the White House, recently featured an unidentified woman on the podium who summed up the mindset of deranged leftism.

The woman in the footage declares that while she isn’t promoting violence for one second, because leftists would nevvvvvvver do that, if President Trump isn’t removed from office “there will be violence.”

Maybe they forgot about the summer of 2020 riots which proved the left can do billions in property damage with literally NO consequences.





Or maybe they somehow think that by saying “Remove this President or there will be violence,” is not a threat of violence.

But if it is not a threat then it certainly sounds like an incitement to violence at best and treason at worst.

Or maybe JUST MAYBE they don’t realize that Trump won the electoral college AND the popular vote by a landslide…and that they are losing ground fast.

Speaking of which Democrat support amongst voters is now down to 27% and falling.

This confirms what we have been saying for the last two years about how the Democrat party is doomed and will eventually disappear.


READAnother Nail in Their Coffin  March 6, 2025 (HERE)


Their New Slogan


Sad to say the Democrats simply don’t care about this.

And it’s because they are so WOKE that they think they know best…and YOU BETTER NOT DISAGREE WITH THEM.


So, what happened to the sanctity of “Democracy?”

Ironically (or NOT) the same people who cried about “threats to Democracy” are now openly calling for violence because they lost the election.

The point is these are not protesters…they are sore losers throwing a tantrum.

And they are so ensconced inside their bubble world that they don’t’ understand how their words have consequences.


Their actions are not exercising free speech.

This is a clear threat.

This is inciting violence.

And the woman making threats on the podium should be arrested and charged appropriately.


But they are liberals…and it probably won’t happen.


But it is also a warning of what to expect going into the summer months as their (once called) peaceful protests no longer exist.

Toss in a global recession, WW3, and social unrest is already baked into the cake.

BTW, the markets are starting to reflect this sentiment in that the roller coaster ride so far this year portends to an even wilder roller coaster ride through 2025.

Don’t get caught up in the fear mongering.

Instead, learn How to Thrive in 2025 (HERE).

Share this with a friend…even if they don’t know these protests are on going in the District of Corruption. They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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