Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies where we currently have 70 Million pissed off Republican voters and yet ZERO cities destroyed by them.
If you remember when Creepy Joe Biden told voters “I Don’t Need You to Get Elected,” you now understand what he meant by that.
Seriously, 2020, The Year of Chaos, is now officially off the charts.
And, as usual, we present you our Sunday Funnies to put things into perspective and hopefully bring a smile to your face.
Getting TOO Political
So, before we get too political, we want to encourage those who’ve been discouraged by the 2020 elections, so far.
Imagine – if you will, knowing how Democrats have treated Trump from the beginning – he took precautionary measures to thwart voter fraud ahead of this election.
“…In Plain English,” a major Sting Operation was put in place to expose criminal intent AND activity.
Cue up:
Department of Homeland Security controlled “Official Ballots” production.
- Dems print extra ballots, not knowing about non-radioactive non-isotope watermarks on “official ballots.”
- A Military Sting Operation.
- After weeding out all counterfeit ballots, Trump Landslide confirmed.
- The whole point of a “Sting” is to NOT reveal your countermeasure.
- DHS controls – planned in advance – identify the fraudsters and prosecute…many indictments coming.
- A genius play taken from Sun Tzu’s ART of WAR, looking weak when Strong.
With that in mind, if you feel this edition of the Sunday Funnies is biased, congratulations…you’re right.
We also use this platform to remind you that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.
And we hope you see it as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in…especially over the next several months.
Suffice it to say we refuse to overlook opportunities to poke fun at certain Headline Grabbers…which sometimes gets us censored.
Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave…Not by the Fearful.
We’ve Now Devolved to Banana Republic Style Elections
For Those of You Who Stayed Up Late on Election Night…
Academics Mindset Today Vs Common Sense Thinkers
Be Careful…Slippery When Wet
That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.
And while we wait for all questionable votes to be recounted, we encourage you to have hope.
If we’re not censored (again) by next week, you can rest assured we’ll have an abundance of funnies to share with you.
Don’t forget, if you want to get a FREE ISSUE of our “…In Plain English” newsletter Click Here.
There are no gimmicks, no credit card needed and no commitment on your part.
It’s simply FREE.
Remember, if you like our funnies, be sure to share them with friends and family members.
Caution: They may get offended.
But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.
And while you’re at it, be sure to read our Just Askin’, Did You Know, and Tin-Foil Times columns packed full of informative AND inappropriate memes/cartoons for your reading pleasure.
It’s Not Just About Finance.
See you next week…
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