While the pundits argue over the “impending” stock market collapse, climate change or “Vackseen” issues, the real collapse we’re witnessing is in Socialism.
Wait! What?
“But James, isn’t Socialism gaining strength?”
Let me explain.
Last year we stated how: 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home would send shock waves around the world.
And, whether you admit it or not, the Great Reset – compliments of the CoronaHoax – and food prices have accelerated at an alarming pace.
Blowbacks from the CoronaHoax include Slovenia denying their citizens the right to buy gasoline if they’ve not been vaccinated?
And “Vackseen” passports mandates are popping up everywhere.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…resistance to this madness is showing up everywhere as a result.
However, the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes constantly flood the media with cover stories to alter the economy.
They don’t want you to see how the real collapse is in Socialism.
Again, why?
Because the collapse in Socialism would mean revolution.
As a result, they’re desperately trying to head off a revolution – hence the unvaxxed can’t get gasoline and/or privileges for normal living are being denied.
The Real Collapse…
The real collapse in Socialism is underway.
Why else would you be seeing massive protests around the world against Vackseen mandates.
Wait! You mean people are actually protesting?
Maybe you haven’t seen any of the protests because you still watch FOX, CNBC, CNN (Cough! Gag! Blechhh!) and mainstream media Presstitutes.
Or maybe you don’t see the movement underway because you don’t take time to research the blowback against the Great Reset.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you’re rooting for it to happen but don’t want to get your hopes up or have someone call you a conspiracy theorist.
But don’t worry.
At this stage in the game, you should consider being called a conspiracy theorist a compliment.
Afterall, the first defense that our government uses to shut you down is to call something a conspiracy theory.
They use it as an excuse to NOT investigate anything that disagrees with their nefarious agenda.
And they’re using the Vackseens and Global Warming to cover up the real collapse taking place in Socialism.
Be sure to see how this affects the markets as we wind down 2021 and into 2022 in our October issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with Conspiracy Theory Type Friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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