It’s almost humorous when – after nearly 18 months of rape and pillage of our economy – the Boyz in the “Club” are saying how the ‘R’ Word is on the horizon.
They don’t want to actually admit that we’re in a Recession.
No, that would be too obvious.
Instead, every day another guru wannabe warns that a recession is inevitable. Or, they say stupid things like: “look for signs of a recession coming.”
What do these people think the average guy thinks when it costs him over $100 to fill his tank?
I’ll tell you what they think.
Are you ready?
They don’t think anything about the average American’s concept of a recession.
And it’s sad to say that the average American has been in a recession for over a year.
Fear of the ‘R’ Word
The fear of using the ‘R’ word has it roots in that Wall Street – like politicians – never want to admit they made a mistake.
So, unless certain market metrics – THAT THEY DETERMINE – line up with their “economic standards” they pass all of our problems off as “temporary setbacks.”
Question: How temporary will gas prices remain or go up from this level?
Another way they get around to admitting we’re in a recession is by using the words “Bear Market Territory.”
So, from here on you can rest assured that you’re going to see a multitude of Banksters start coming out with all kinds of strategies you should use in a Bear Market.
And along with that you’ll hear more talk about how to repair your 401k…hopefully it’s not a 201k at this point.
But before you do anything check and see what these same guru wannabes we’re advising you to do last fall when the markets were at an all-time high.
And while you’re at it, look at what we said back November and December about 2022, the Year of the Man-Made Depression (HERE).
And what actions you should take.
We even emphasized in January the importance of raising cash.
And right now, having cash is looking really good.
Learn how to avoid being Wall Street’s victims by subscribing to our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share the with a friend…especially if they don’t like hearing about the ‘R’ word.
They’ll thank YOU later.
At Financial$Matter We’re Not Just About Finance.
We simply use finance to give you hope.
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