Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

The Only Acceptable Kind of Racism


Let’s be honest here.

Racism shouldn’t be acceptable anywhere and in any form.

Unless, of course, if you’re white.


That’s right.  In today’s world it’s not only acceptable to be racist against white people, it’s actually encouraged.

Liberal politicians (some which are white) aren’t the only ones leading the charge of racism towards whites

In fact, there are really stupid white “celebrities” who openly say that they’re “ashamed they were born white,” and that they’re disgusted with themselves.


White people, cursing their parents and calling all white people racists, give new meaning to the term “out to lunch.”

Ironically (or NOT), the Whores-of-Babylon Media presstitutes go out of their way to present these “dazed and confused” folks as role models for us to look up to.

Unfortunately, this is what happens when politicians become desperate for control.

And this is what we’re currently seeing with the “White Supremacist” rhetoric that’s dominating the headlines today.

Their tactics for division are simple:

  • Race baiting
  • Stoke religious hatred
  • All rich people are bad


What’s even more moronic is how everything gets lumped into being about race.


There are only FOUR races on the planet:  White, Black, Red, and Yellow.  Yet the majority out there thinks Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc. are part of a race.

They’re not.

Everything else that’s gets labeled “racist” is due to ignorance, laziness, indoctrination, and misinformation provided by our bought-and-paid-for media.

Question:  What’s gonna happen during turbulent times?

Will people stop everything and forget their racism?

Nope!  Ain’t gonna happen.

In fact, it’ll get worse.

Economic calamity is a catalyst for collapsing society…but where will it strike first?

Read about “Panic Cycles in the markets” in our September newsletter to find out.



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