Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

The October Newsletter is Live

The October “…In Plain English” newsletter is live and ready for your reading pleasure.


Here’s an excerpt:



… And when you add North Korea into the mix, a coordinated attack with China vs Taiwan, Russia takes out Kiev, and Iran sends troops to attack Israel, you begin to see that these four powers can overwhelm Western forces.


…they cleverly used COVID and instigated the January 6th riot to prevent a count of state votes where a challenge was to be made before the entire Congress.

The electoral votes received by Congress were to be counted in a joint session at 1 p.m.

But Pelosi declared an emergency rule to prevent any challenge to a state’s vote. Then she imposed COVID Rules restricting the maximum number of people on the floor to 53.

As a result, Pelosi secured the presidency for Biden, and nobody understood what they did.



Read the entire newsletter (HERE).


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