Get Ready! The markets topped out on January 17th.
You’re about to hear the Whores-of-Babble-On media Presstitutes cry: “Arrrrrgggghhhh! I’ve lost sooooo much money in the stock market. Who could’ve foreseen this happening? I’m shocked I tell you…Shocked!”
Question: Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of investors cry over their losses in the stock market when we enter a correction phase?
Answer: It’s because you’re conditioned to believe that the high points in the stock market represent your cost basis.
Example: Let’s say that you had $100,000 invested in stocks and, over time, it grew to $300,000. Then, turbulent times hit the markets and your $300,000 drops 20% to $240,000. How much did you lose?
Even if you sold at $240,000, you’d still have $140,000 profit over what you invested.
However, most investors only remember what their accounts were worth at the peak of the markets. Anything less than that is a loss in their minds.
Then, just like in 2007 or 2000 or 1987, they cry about their unfortunate losses blaming their broker (or Donald Trump) for not selling their stocks at the high.
Ironically (or NOT) these crybabies have – once again – fallen victims to the wiles of the boyz in Wall Street’s “Club.”
And, ironically (or NOT) to assuage their pain, they stay glued to the financial news hoping to find salvation from the most corrupt media in the world.
What they fail to realize is that the markets need the 99% to be wrong in order to trade against them.
It’s why the 1% consistently makes the big bucks.
Cue up 2020, The Year of Chaos…and remember, it’s only early February.
We’ve barely scratched the surface of what could be the most devastating – or most profitable – opportunity of our lifetime.
Learn how to listen to the markets and how to stop being Wall Street’s victim:
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