It was only a matter of time before some world leader would invoke the “Mark of the Beast” from the bible.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
~Revelation 13:7~
Not since the “reign of terror” in France – which ushered in the French Revolution ala Robespierre – have we seen such tyrannical behavior as evidenced by France’s president Emmanuel Macron.
In a recent televised speech, Macron has not only destroyed tourism in France, but he’s also ushered in a full-blown order of Totalitarianism.
In a nutshell, he has made vaccinations MANDATORY for caregivers, store clerks, waitresses, and all other workers “in contact with the public.”
And, get this, with no exceptions for health or religion.
Adding insult to Biblical proportion injuries, he has made it also MANDATORY to have his Bill Gates-inspired health pass to enter all restaurants, cafes, theaters, and cinemas.
Translation: without any experimental vaccination, you are not even allowed to go to the store and buy anything.
Mark of the Beast is Out in the Open
Unfortunately, and from hereon, if you have any intention of enjoying an expresso with a croissant along La Rive Gauche, you’ll need to show your Mark of the Beast.
So, why would Macron do this?
Maybe he’s being influenced by his former school teacher/current wife. (Macron was 15 and his teacher Bridgette Auzière was 40 when they met. She divorced her husband and married Macron in 2007.)
Or, maybe Gates is giving Macron a piece of the action from all the revenues generated by the vaccines.
Or, maybe, JUST MAYBE Macron knows France’s pension system is bankrupt – like the rest of Europe – and that Socialism is dying.
As a result, they’re scared spitless of an uprising where the mob storms the palaces and beheads the emperor.
Think it can’t happen?
Think again.
Marie Antoinette and numerous others never expected to face the guillotine.
The Great Reset in Play
Up until now, if you haven’t paid much attention to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, this should serve as your wake-up call.
The Mark of the Beast and the Great Reset AREN’T Conspiracy Theories. (Read about them HERE)
And to ignore them is like saying “Let them eat cake.”
So, be sure to share this with a Conspiracy Theory friend.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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