Instead of saying the frogs are clueless you could also say the Progs are clueless.
Progs is the abbreviated form of Progressives.
And ‘progressives’ is a nicey nice way of saying Liberals and/or Leftists.
The analogy of the frogs/progs are clueless has to do with putting a frog in a pot of warm water and slowly turning up the heat.
The frog sleeps because the water is warm and eventually dies in boiling water.
This is what’s likely to happen with the progressives in this country.
They think everything is fine and that they’re winning the war against America, the Constitution, and everything we’ve stood for in the last 244 years.
However, they’re blind to the fact that millions of American are sick and tired of being sick and tired of their tyrannical agenda.
Cue up: The Next Great Awakening.
Fact: there have been several “Great Awakenings” in America’s history.
And they all started when tyranny raises its ugly head. (Read: The Next Great Awakening (HERE)
Clueless Frogs Abound
And Great Awakenings get traction when the sheeple open their eyes to the fraud/hypocrisy/criminal actions recently revealed:
Every politician on this list should be published.
And every politician taking bribes “donations” from Big Pharma or Bill Gates, should be permanently run out of office.
But even if that would happen the vast majority of progs would still be clueless.
All the better.
When their world collapses, they’ll be the first to say: “How can this be? Who could’ve foreseen this happening?”
Make no doubt about it.
Battle lines are being drawn.
And when the progs see how the Next Great Awakening has already begun there will be no turning back.
The water will already be boiling.
Keep in mind that the key to success of a Great Awakening lies in having faith.
Because when we operate in faith, we can increase the power and ability of God in our minds.
It’s similar to binoculars.
Whatever we focus our attention on becomes bigger in our minds.
And whatever we fail to focus our attention on becomes smaller in our minds.
The problem with most people is that although we know some truths of God’s Word, we don’t spend enough time meditating on them.
Instead, far too many people become preoccupied with the affairs of this life.
And that’s why the Globalists try to keep you in a Constant State of Agitation.
Don’t be clueless.
Read the October issue of “…In Plain English” and learn how 2022 will bring about the collapse of the Globalists nefarious agenda.
And learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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