As hard as it is for some people to believe, our Federal Reserve (FED) does not control the market.
And contrary to popular belief, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is not Dr. Evil * from the Austin Powers series.
(*Although his predecessor, Janet Yellen, does resemble Dr. Evil)
Far too much weight is placed on one man (Powell) and what he’s doing to curb inflation.
And yet the Presstitutes want you to believe that every word he speaks is an indication of how bad or good the markets will respond.
Stop Listening to That BS.
We’ve said it many times before that “Everything is Connected…Everything.”
And because the entire world is connected…it’s impossible to prevent an event from unfolding.
For that same reason, it is impossible for one nation to alter the course of the global trend.
In Plain English… the world economy cannot be manipulated.
It is far too complex to alter the course of the entire globe.
The best we can hope for is to reduce volatility.
Does Not Control the Market
The business cycle – like every other cycle – is the real barometer to follow.
And it reflects things like WAR.
Sad to say, it has always been governments that creates war.
But the Presstitutes are not interested in something like the business cycle.
They want to shove controversy and personal opinions – like Climate Change – down your throat.
As a result, real Journalism no longer exists.
Let me repeat myself:
The world economy cannot be manipulated. It is far too complex to alter the course of the entire globe.
And now the Presstitutes are promoting World War III so governments around the world can use war as an excuse to default on their sovereign debt.
Before you know it, they’ll say something crazy like Chinese Spy Balloons are threatening America.
Oh, wait!
Never mind.
So, in spite of the creative destruction of America – from a totally corrupt administration – the business cycle will continue.
And you can rest assured there will be opportunities of a lifetime for those with ears to hear… regardless of what the FED does or says.
Tune up your hearing by reading the February edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…regardless of what they think of the FED.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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But we use finance to give you hope.
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