The numbers are rolling in and – on the surface – everything looks great for our strong economy. But the dirt is in the details.
First, yesterday’s CPI numbers came in, which was in line with expectations at 2.7%, a 0.3% month-over-month rise.
As expected, the Boyz all congratulated themselves and proclaimed that another rate cut from the FED is a sure thing.
To that we say… “Don’t be so sure…especially of a sure thing.”
The Labor Department said the unemployment rate rose from 4.1% to 4.2%.
But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt…
The media spun this as Job gains for September.
And October numbers were revised up by a total 56,000.
September’s number was upgraded from 223,000 to 255,000, and October’s from 12,000 to 36,000.
These changes painted a brighter picture of the job market in late summer and early fall than previously believed.
In the Details
However, when we dig deeper in the details, over the past year, full-time jobs are actually down by 1.27 million.
Unemployment is up, and people are being forced to take on multiple jobs to make ends meet.
But, as usual, the Presstitutes do not want to talk about it.
Ironically (or NOT) this Jobs report illustrates the silent, disturbing reality that represents the truth behind the disastrous O’Biden-Harris administration’s economic agenda.
And most of that has to do with their misplaced priorities ranging anywhere from Russia, Russia, Russia to climate change, and the Klaus Schwab WEF Agenda from Davos.
Unfortunately, most people miss (or more likely ignore) how Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) wants everyone (except them) to own nothing and be happy.
It is soooo in your face that it is amazing people don’t see it.
But the reactions from the mainstream media and Washington elites continue the propaganda and skewing of the CPI and Jobs data to serve their agenda that has been bought and paid for.
President-Elect Trump is sleep-walking into a recession that he will be blamed for.
But (in reality) he will inherit the recession from the O’Biden-Harris administration’s surrender to the NEOCONs.
Bottom line HERE? … Unemployment will rise during Trump’s administration.
So, add that to the increasing list of time bombs set to go off after Trump gets in office…courtesy of the bitter Democrats.
Wanna know what happens to stocks during recessions?
Read our upcoming December issue of “In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they believe Wall Street’s bogus numbers. They’ll thank YOU later.
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