There are plenty of really good financial newsletters available today. But the biggest flaw in them is they’re not easy to read and/or understand.
Right now, you’re probably thinking this is another shameless plug for our “…In Plain English” newsletter. (HERE)
And you’d be right…LOL!
However, out of the vast number of financial newsletters available (Free or Uber-expensive), we challenge you to show us one that’s as simple and easy to understand as our “…In Plain English” monthly letter.
Why else do you think we call it “…In Plain English?”
(Okay…Sorry, that’s three shameless plugs in less than 100 words).
But stay with me here.
Biggest Flaws in Financial Newsletters Aren’t Always Obvious
Wall Street is notorious for – among a multitude of criminal activities – “talking its book.”
Translation: They use newsletters to promote stocks they own and want to unload to an unsuspecting public.
And they’ll use 24-year-old MBA graduates (with no experience in trading) to write compelling stories as to why you should buy those stocks while they’re selling their own inventory to you.
Isn’t that illegal?
Well, yes, it is…kinda sorta.
But the boyz in the “Club” own all the regulators, lawyers, judges, and investigative committees which allows them to make fortunes at YOUR expense.
Biggest Flaws of 1%
And that’s exactly why the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong. They use the biggest flaw in finance against you.
And they do it by getting you to zig while they zag using sophisticated – and hard to understand – newsletters to scare or motivate you to take action.
Sad to say this is nothing new.
In fact, it’s been going on even before Wall Street got in bed with Washington DC in 1913. (Read about the origins of the FED HERE)
But…and this is a BIG BUT.
You don’t need to spend a fortune on newsletters learning how to navigate the many mine-fields on Wall Street.
Instead, you should learn how to prosper AND thrive using our 110+ years of hands-on experience in those mine-fields.
And as a way to celebrate Father’s Day – between now and Sunday June 20th – we’re giving away our annual membership for “…In Plain English” subscribers for only $75.
Put that in perspective:
- Last year about this time you probably spent more than $75 on toilet paper…and you literally flushed it down the toilet.
- Today, you, your spouse, and/or kids probably spend more than $75 per week on gasoline (Thanks, Joe) and you do it EVERY WEEK.
So, what are you waiting for?
Give Dad (or yourself) the gift that keeps on giving every month.
But don’t wait. This offer expires at midnight on Father’s Day June 20th.
Go HERE now and be sure to enter Code 75 when you check out.
And share this with another Dad. They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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