Holy rollers beware…this will rock your boat.
Like most people, I grew up thinking the Bible’s explanation of the birth of Christ – from Luke 2: 13-14 – was God saying how we should now have peace on earth and good will among men.
It sounds great and most versions of the Bible give you that impression.
However, when you look at today’s world – and for the last 2,000+ years – you’ll see there hasn’t been peace on earth nor good will among men.
Christmas wasn’t meant to bring good will among men.
Wait! What?
That’s right. Luke 2: 13-14 was a declaration that the war between God and man was over.
The original translation (King James Version) is the only one that says “…and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
You see, prior to the birth of Jesus, man was under the law and basically at war with God.
Jesus came to fulfill the law and paid for the sins of the whole world.
His sacrifice took us from being under the law (at war with God) to being under grace (receiving God’s favor).
In Plain English that means we’ve done nothing – nor can we do anything – that would make us worthy of God’s favor.
That’s why it’s called GRACE.
Putting this in context you should see how the phrase “…peace, good will toward men” is God saying that the war is over and Jesus represents His peace/good will toward us.
If you’re confused or offended by this, think of it in terms of how the vast majority of investors get upset when the market doesn’t act the way they think it should.
When you look at the markets on a local or regional level, you miss the point about how Everything is Connected…Everything.
It’s the same with the Word of God.
The solution to both?
Learn to see things with a different set of eyes.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~John 8:32~
P.S. For the next 48 hours until 11:59 P.M. on December 26th, you can start seeing things with a different set of eyes at our Special Christmas Sale of our “…In Plain English” newsletter.
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