Wait a minute! Did you just say Thank God for China and Russia?
Okay, before you start calling me a Communist, hear me out.
For years we’ve been commenting how China’s Belt Road Initiative (BRI aka the “New Silk Road”) has been flying under the radar.
(Learn more about the New Silk Road in the article “What Ever Happened to Assad the Butcher?” HERE)
And how the BRI is creating a tectonic shift in the way business is – and will be – done throughout Asia, Russia, India, and the rest of the world.
(Read Why Syria is So Important…to China in our June 2018 newsletter HERE).
So, if you’re wondering how a multi-TRILLION-dollar Chinese development can exist without you knowing about it, you can point – your middle finger – to our uber-corrupt Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes.
They don’t want you to know how the US got snubbed by China – thanks to Obama’s policies – and weren’t even allowed to bid on Trillions of infrastructure projects.
But that’s another subject for another time.
The real reason we should thank God for China and Russia is how they’ve stayed away from the Globalists push for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.
They want no part of the Terrible Triumvirate – Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab .
And their plan to take over the world and hand control over to the United Nations.
Why We Should Thank God for China
Unfortunately, we have a president who doesn’t know what day it is.
But he’s is very good at he’s doing what told.
And he’s being told to join in with the Globalists in Europe – which has gone beyond the point of no return – with their nefarious agenda of controlling the world.
Why else would there be such a desperate attempt to vaccinate everyone on the planet?
Answer: CONTROL.
But…and this is a Really Big Butt…China AND Russia have repeatedly raised their middle finger to the whole idea of the Great Reset.
Translation: You will not win against the combination of the Bear and the Dragon.
And the proof will become more of a reality as the BRI disrupts ALL trade – land and maritime – as China moves to become the World Reserve Currency * over the next decade.
(* Read: China vs World…It’s All About BRI. Feb 17, 2018 HERE)
And if you want to learn how to prosper AND thrive from the inevitable/imminent changes, Upgrade NOW to our premium content (HERE).
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