Now that most Americans are hooked on smart phones (or other hand-held devices) our government will find a way to tax you on your everyday use of them.
The progressive desperate state of California has already tried to put a tax on texting. Fortunately, the feds stepped in and stopped it.
That doesn’t mean they won’t try again. In fact, other states are looking at how to tax people for texting.
First, most states are broke. Second, most state pensions are broke, as well.
Government pensions (which they don’t contribute to) are collapsing right before our eyes and you can rest assured, they’ll come after us with all kinds of crazy new taxes.
It’s a recipe for disaster that follows a pattern: More Taxes = Less Disposable Income = Economic Decline = Civil Unrest/Riots.
Tax rebellions have been the source of revolutions since the 1300s.
What makes you think that’s gonna change?
You need to look at the root cause.
Representative governments never work once you have career politicians. They NEVER place your interests before their own. They ALWAYS oppress people to expand their own greed and power.
You can’t find a more glaring example of this than the number of congress critters who’ve somehow become multi-millionaires from a salary of less than $200,000 per year.
Let me remind you that they are supposed to be OUR SERVANTS to represent us.
Instead, they believe they are our masters and wield their power to bend us to their will.
How do you think this will end?
If you don’t think by now that 2019, The Political Year from Hell is quietly going to go away, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Learn how to protect yourself (from the inevitable oncoming government oppression) in our March newsletter.
You’ll thank us later.
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