The famous Mike Tyson guide to investing goes as follows: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the...
Turbulent Times
Most investors tend to believe that the markets are so confusing. But, are they? Has this happened to you? Just...
Despite being deported last year – for refusing to take the VAX – Serbia’s Novak (Novaxx) Djokovic was redeemed in...
Now that the German Foreign Minister openly declared that Europe is at War with Russia it’s probably time to stop...
In case you missed it, Turkey just killed NATO talks with Sweden and Finland? Huh? Prior to Turkey President Recep...
Yesterday morning we saw what was described as a Wall Street ‘Glitch’ as the markets went haywire halting trading on...
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see how Africa beat Covid without vaccines. Cue up: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin…which...
Finding new ways to weasel out of their lies, the O’Biden administration is in Denial saying they never really wanted...
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more mainstream, you should beware of where technology is headed. Example: The Japanese government is...
It’s becoming painfully obvious how nations around the world are reversing their covid mandates with their exit strategy being war....