When confidence of the majority of mask-wearing believers is Shaken...not stirred, is when all hell breaks loose. It’s also when...
Stinky Joe
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where flying high on the list of headlines is how...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where – flying under the radar – we’ve learned that...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where, if you’re not offended by last week’s FBI raid...
Choosing today’s Saturday morning rant was a toss-up between the FBI and Brittney Griner. But because there’s sooooo many things...
Recently, Communist leader, Kim Jong-Un, has offered to send 100,000 soldiers to fight alongside Russia as North Korea backs Russia....
The topic of today’s Saturday morning rant has to do with the exploits – and lack of criminal charges...
Once again Wall Street’s sanctimonious hypocrisy is on full display as they play along with the O’Biden Administration’s inflation, unemployment,...
With Beijing repeatedly calling Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan a “Major Provocation” you have to wonder if her actions will start WWIII....
Every so often it pays to blow off some steam – in a healthy way – which is why we’re...