The recent news about a Chinese Spy Balloon crossing over America and Canada is reminiscent of the science fiction series...
Earlier this week a massive outage in the FAA flight system led to canceling flights nationwide. Nationwide? How often does...
The long history of corruption and violence is one of the main reasons why you don’t trust Ukraine. And as...
It’s gotten to the point where the obvious pandering to freaks from the O’Biden Administration has become the norm for...
What we believe to be totally a coincidence and nothing more, the grades of attractive female students – examined by...
The ultimate irony we’re facing is how many will starve and die from freezing while fighting “Global Warming.” Huh? In...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where – after this week’s bizzarro antics – we’re thinking...
It’s finally official that discrimination is legal in the USA. Huh? Yep, the Treasury Department plans to prioritize people based on...
At a Democrat National Committee event last week, Stinky Joe referred to a young girl saying “We go back a...
In case you missed it a MAGA murderer killed an innocent 18 yr. old Trump supporter in North Dakota this...