Imagine trying to do your Christmas Shopping with only $10 to spend. With the exception of going to the Dollar...
Not Just About Finance
It’s bad enough that we’ve given in excess of $60 Billion to Ukraine but now they expect $45 Billion More?...
Over the last 20+ years in December we’ve seen a Santa Claus Rally more than 50% of the time. But...
Some readers have said our posts are often prophetic words while others say we’re just plain lucky. We agree with...
The long history of corruption and violence is one of the main reasons why you don’t trust Ukraine. And as...
One year ago this week our resident Brandon threatened everyone by saying: “We are looking at a winter of severe...
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted they used the Minsk Agreement to stall and help strengthen Ukraine for war. If...
When the media wants you to focus on something you can rest assured they will give you other distractions to...
Volatility is a subject that most people misunderstand and can’t figure out how to make volatility your friend. Especially when...
Regardless of how you slice it getting presstitutes to report the truth today has become laughable. Cue up: Elon Musk’s...