Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where the Presstitutes “Distractions de Jour” (Cough! Debt Ceiling, Cough! NATO...
Not Just About Finance
It should come as no surprise that O’Biden’s former suitcase-stealing, they/them/it Nuke Waste appointee was arrested for being a “Fugitive...
Flying under the radar are the results from special prosecutor John Durham which should make every American want to charge...
The CDC just announced there will be no more Covid Vax available through Johnson & Johnson. Huh? And that’s due...
You may not want to believe this but the main reason why NATO is Dangerous is because it continually seeks...
Bitcoin and crypto-currency zealots drank the Kool-Aid long ago, not realizing how digital currencies will be the Kiss of Death...
Far too many people don’t think the Debt Ceiling Issue is that big of a deal. Nothing could be...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Mother’s Day Sunday Funnies, where we rejoice in honoring our Mothers for...
Just when everyone (except us) started thinking Elon Musk is one of the “Good Guys” he shows his true colors...
Wall Street has historically used what we call ‘Annoying Acronyms’ to confuse investors. And it’s also an industry “Secret Language”...