A reversion back to the Dark Ages is underway in Germany as firewood shortages keep popping up. Cue up: Desperate Germans...
The story that seems to have captured most people’s attention this week has to do with the alleged forgiveness of...
The fact that Wall Street is getting behind the new Inflation Reduction Act is more proof of their sanctimonious hypocrisy....
Once again Wall Street’s sanctimonious hypocrisy is on full display as they play along with the O’Biden Administration’s inflation, unemployment,...
Americas so called “leaders” – in conjunction with the media presstitutes – want you to believe that we are experiencing a...
While everyone freaks out about the FED potentially bringing Fed Fund Rates (FFR) interest rates up to 3%, it’s similar...
In addition to runaway inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, food shortages, and a cost-of-living crisis, we’re seeing eviction storm clouds on...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where, in between abortions, hearsay in the Kangaroo Court over...
Former White House assistant Cassidy Hutchinson committed perjury for Trump’s sake while testifying at the January 6th alleged insurrection hearings....
The West is cheering the recent forced Russian Default but can’t seem to realize the repercussions. For the last several...