When you consider how our standards of morality have declined, it’s easy to conclude that we’re suffering a pandemic of...
In Plain English
The phrase “Fear Has Torment” is from Scripture. And the surprisingly negative response to my use of Scripture in recent...
There was a time when – waiting in the grocery store checkout line – you would see people gawking at...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where this past week, hysteria from “mass” shootings hasn’t taken...
Volatility in the markets often causes most investors to question whether to trade or not to trade. Ironically (or NOT)...
Before you can answer the question “What Will Return to Normal Mean?” you need to know WHEN will we be...
In the past we’ve often referred to Popcorn Time to highlight entertainment among the daily madness we’re seeing in the...
One of the main issues reported from Klaus Schwab’s’ World Economic Forum (WEF) is how they’re blatantly capitalizing on the...
It didn’t take long for a particular Karen to tell me how she was offended and “How dare you use...
When people complain about how much they’ve lost in the market I usually say, “let me show you how to...