In the global game of chicken, the Bank of England was the first to blink in the Banks-Don’t-Trust Banks arena...
In Plain English
For the last several years we’ve been saying that when the dollar surge returns it will wipe out everything...
“Did he just mention Global COOLING?” “GASP!” Surely you gest. From the liberal peanut gallery… “But…But…everyone knows the world’s coming...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where, last week we heard: (From the Pentagon…a trusted source…LOL!)...
At a Democrat National Committee event last week, Stinky Joe referred to a young girl saying “We go back a...
New York State Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank has ruled that it was unconstitutional to fire police officers for refusing...
The Presstitutes are doing everything they can to get you to believe that the markets are crashing. Example: two weeks...
Like every natural occurring cycle in the world, surfing teaches you more about investing than you realize. And when you...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week we were bombarded with many memes about...
In case you missed it a MAGA murderer killed an innocent 18 yr. old Trump supporter in North Dakota this...