Most investors don’t prepare to prosper in Turbulent Times. Instead, they bury their head in the sand and hope their...
In Plain English
If you have ever wondered whether prosperity has a purpose then try to name someone who has contributed a lot...
In case you missed it, Klaus Schwab’s daughter (Nicole) admitted that Covid was a precursor to Climate Lockdowns. Huh? In...
Many people still don’t want to admit that Trump was right about his views on ‘Wokeness’ claiming it is all...
We’re getting near the point where we’ll be like the old tale about frogs boiling themselves. Do you know the...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where we highlight AND poke fun of the headline grabbers...
From a page right out of the District of Caligula’s Globalist handbook, today’s rant is about using p****graphy to destroy...
In a classic case of “Look Here…Don’t Look There” the Presstitutes are focusing on Hunter Biden changing his plea knowing that...
Wall Street is like many religious teachings in that the Boyz in the “Club” want you to believe that “If...
Back in February we wrote how it was becoming obvious that Ukraine was being sold to Blackrock. And that their...