Creating a list of What Have We Learned in 2023, isn’t as easy as it may seem. But we’re...
In Plain English
As we wind down the last week of 2023, (and despite how crazy it was) we believe there is a...
The headline about being the week after Christmas could easily be “Markets…the Week Before New Years.” Essentially, they are the...
Merry Christmas! And FYI this is a repost from Christmas day 2021. Those who have – or...
Welcome back to the Christmas Eve edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week the Spirit of Christmas Giving appeared when it was announced...
Before you start wondering about which War is Over, I’m certainly not referring to Ukraine or Israel. But since...
The recent Colorado Supreme Court decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot looks like Democracy was killed in Colorado. ...
Looking towards 2024 we are contemplating to either short tesla or buy mining stocks. But we are considering doing...
Is it a coincidence when the timing for a “Short Squeeze” comes around the Christmas holiday? Or are we in a Santa Rally…courtesy...
Unlike most Financial publications we shy away from subjects like “The Top 10 Predictions for This Year” articles. Instead, we prefer the...