To all our valued readers and subscribers we have some Exciting news! We are countering Inflation on your behalf in...
In Plain English
Politicians blame runaway inflation and rising prices on shortages. But the truth is there are no shortages. Because most of...
As Chicago and NY Plead for Help from the immigration invasion, the US experienced the largest border breach in history...
Now that 2023 is over we will use the official numbers to show you how Wall Street lies to you. BTW,...
Welcome to January 1st 2024 and good riddance to most of the things we’d like to forget from 2023. While...
Happy New Year And welcome back to the last edition of the Sunday Funnies for the crazy year of...
As part of our “What’s in Store for 2024” theme we, once again, see battle lines being drawn over Gold vs Bitcoin....
Every year we coin a phrase for what we feel will set the tone for next 12 months. And this...
Creating a list of What Have We Learned in 2023, isn’t as easy as it may seem. But we’re...
As we wind down the last week of 2023, (and despite how crazy it was) we believe there is a...