If you subscribe to our premium newsletter, you’ll remember our December 2021 issue where we talked about the Formula for...
Last week we saw O’Bidens Orwellian plan suspended after his Disinformation board was cancelled. But is it really cancelled? Former...
Canada’s top pathological liar/hypocrite/Klaus Schwab’s Butt Boy (Trudeau) has announced there’s no vax required for Ukrainian refugees. Wait, What? Yes,...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where this past week we heard a new version of...
In the words of Jim Morrison: “People are strange, when you're a stranger, Faces look ugly when you're alone. Women...
Last week we were showing some friends visiting from “up north” around the Miami Beach area and I used...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where this past week abortion/Roe v Wade still dominated the...
Wall Street’s Boyz in the “Club” have a track record of how it systematically destroys women. Wait, What? I’m...
More proof that sanctions don’t work is reflected in Russia’s oil revenues hitting a record high. The reason? Soaring commodity...
In the eyes of most Liberal/Leftist groups, Populism is a 4-letter word. Dictionary.com says: populism noun any of various,...