A reversion back to the Dark Ages is underway in Germany as firewood shortages keep popping up. Cue up: Desperate Germans...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where flying high on the list of headlines is how...
Even though the media presstitutes are trying to hide it, evidence is emerging how US SPY Services (Cough! FBI Cough!...
Even though it’s no longer headline news, what’s left of Ukraine after its plundering by the West will probably go...
Forgiving student debt is probably the biggest slap in the face to most Americans who are paying attention. And...
There’s an old adage on Wall Street the says, “The Markets Move in the Direction that Frustrates the Most People.”...
The story that seems to have captured most people’s attention this week has to do with the alleged forgiveness of...
Wall Street is similar to many religious teachings in that the Boyz in the “Club” want you to believe that...
This post is not just for Trump fans because even if you hate Trump you have to admit he’s still...
John from Florida writes in: “James, I noticed you have the Reverend of Finance after your name on every email/post. So,...