Bitcoin and crypto-currency zealots drank the Kool-Aid long ago, not realizing how digital currencies will be the Kiss of Death...
Stinky Joe and DHS Secretary recently claimed “White Supremacy” is the Greatest US Terror Threat. And, No…we’re not making this...
Just when everyone (except us) started thinking Elon Musk is one of the “Good Guys” he shows his true colors...
One of the most misunderstood concepts of investing is why markets need short sellers. Here’s a brief description: A "short"...
In the past we’ve written many times about why you should hate mutual funds and ETFs. READ: How Mutual Funds...
For years we’ve written about how banks aren’t safe in the US. And if you’re interested, here’s a short list...
The acronym for WOKE – Willingly Overlooking Known Evil – isn’t something we created. But, like most great acronyms, it...
As a result of the largest bank failure since 2008, JP Morgan is the recipient of Federal Republic Bank (FRC)...
In case you missed it, the O’Biden crew is trying to ignore the fact that Sudan is staring into the...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where – based on everyday occurrences – it becomes more...