Question: What do you call a company that produces nothing and expects you to support them? Answer: Out of Business....
It’s almost as if todays total eclipse is like a flashback to the devastation (NOT) of Y2K. Ironically (or...
On the surface, it may not seem like a panic in the markets. But that is why most investors lose...
Now that the True Story about Covid is being revealed by the CDC, no one seems to want to talk...
Before we get into what appears to have been a wild week, we need to explain the word “Approacheth.” In...
We’re only into a few trading days in April but the markets are looking like April Fools will have its...
The fact that we are saying that there is no direct mention of retirement in the Bible will certainly disturb...
In what appears to be the ultimate slap in the face to Christians and Christianity, the Boyz in the District...
Time to put on your Tin-Foil Hats for today’s rant about the Baltimore Bridge collapse being a Cyber Attack. ...
One of the ironies of the Easter week is how most people miss/ignore the significance of Good Friday. Unfortunately,...