In case you missed it, the high-heeled comedian cross-dressing President of Ukraine was officially and publicly humiliated by NATO this...
Connect the Dots
Goldbugs have been hollering for years why we need a gold backed currency. And except for the BRICS nations (Brazil,...
Two weeks ago, we wrote about how “The West is Running Out of Ammunition” (HERE). In that post we mentioned...
Contrary to an international treaty – signed by over 120 countries – the US is sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine. Wait! What? In...
Just because you have not heard about it lately doesn’t mean that the riots in France are over. On the...
A recurring theme we hear from the masses is about the death of the dollar. To that we simply...
As Americans we are very fortunate to live such comfortable lives in America. But your kids will suffer unless we...
Real estate and rentals across the globe have become unaffordable. But will rising interest rates crush the real estate market?...
In 1933, the term "dumbing down" was movie-business slang, meaning "to revise to appeal to those of little education or...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week we witnessed our Resident Burden admitting –...