If you mention stagflation, interest rates and NFTs, most people will only understand interest rates. And even then, most people...
As we close out 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home, we’d like to pose the following...
It was only a matter of time before someone stepped up and issued Bitcoin-Backed Bonds. Cue up: El Salvador’s historic...
Not all Bitcoin investors will get screwed in 2022, but most will fall victim to history. Huh? Wait! Hasn’t Bitcoin...
Notice the subject line of this email didn’t read “Will Cyber-Attacks CAUSE WW III?” However, the Big Tech Media Presstitutes...
We (older folks) tend to poke fun at millennials. But, is it possible they’ll end up being the savior of...
The crowd who recently claimed that GameStop was going to $1,000 (currently at $45.53) are now boldly calling for Bitcoin...
Lately, many people are asking, “Will Bitcoin replace gold?” Let me give you a very simple and easy to understand...