Next week is the 52th anniversary of a landmark decision that has (so far) resulted in the deaths of over...
Big Tech Presstitutes
If you can take a step back and not look at the world like most short-sighted people, you’ll see an entirely different...
The recent news about a Chinese Spy Balloon crossing over America and Canada is reminiscent of the science fiction series...
In case you missed it – and/or were distracted/sickened over the fanfare of treating a comedian like a hero adding...
There are multiple reasons why public confidence will never be the same. Let’s start with the CoronaHoax…that we’ve said is: ...
Welcome back to this week’s Sunday Funnies, where the phrase “Wild and Crazy” would be an understatement of what we...
Before we get into what we believe was a week of madness, we’d like to reflect on an email we...
“An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable...
When you consider how our standards of morality have declined, it’s easy to conclude that we’re suffering a pandemic of...
There was a time when – waiting in the grocery store checkout line – you would see people gawking at...