The other day my IT specialist (Bradley) told me that based on Google Views of it was as if...
Big Tech boyz
For more than a decade we’ve heard Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for-media presstitutes cry wolf about how we’re going to have the...
The numbers just don’t add up…And I’m referring to the numbers put out by the Center for Doubt and Confusion....
Caution: before reading further you should put on your Tin-Foil hats – or possibly two – as we present Big...
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a vaccine for being stupid? Unfortunately, even if it existed, stupid people would...
Why is everyone so surprised at Monday’s beat down in the market being blamed on the CoronaHoax? Seriously, who did...
Have you ever wondered how billionaire Hedge Fund managers use trading tactics that give them an advantage over the average...
America’s not so favorite, fraud disseminating, vaccine pushing, double/triple mask wearing “so called” doctor Frauduci has said there are now...
Isn’t it funny how certain old sayings are timeless? Example: “Everyone Loves an Optimist Even When He’s Wrong, but No...
Whether you are 15 or 75 years old, what comes to mind when you hear “On a Dark Desert Highway?”...