Remember when the Media Presstitutes laughed and said Ivermectin was ONLY for horses and cows? As usual, THEY LIED....
Big Pharma Boyz
Politicians blame runaway inflation and rising prices on shortages. But the truth is most of the shortages we’re experiencing are...
Have you ever wondered why we don’t hear the elitist telling us to “Trust the Science” anymore? Anthony...
Before the haters start screaming because we said Cancer is a Big Business, you should know a few things. ...
Now that the True Story about Covid is being revealed by the CDC, no one seems to want to talk...
A recurring question we are hearing lately is When will we be normal again? But before you answer that question, you...
No one ever talks about the Measles vaccine. And that is because it has not been a problem for...
In what could be our worst nightmare, the perfect, untraceable bioweapon would be a vaccine loaded with acquired immune deficiency...
Now that the Covid gravy-train is seemingly over we wonder if it is time to short Pfizer? Ironically (or...
Now that another flu season is over, we wonder why the sheeple aren’t hearing about how the unvaxxed aren’t dying....