One year ago, our lives changed drastically after lockdowns, restrictions and social distancing were put into effect. And here we...
Wall Street Banksters try to impress you with their vocabulary and written skills. And in the process, they’ll say things...
There’s nothing like stirring up a hornet’s nest over the possibility of reparations buried in the Covid Relief Plan. Or...
If you spent nearly four decades in any profession there’s a great chance you’ve “seen it all.” Especially in an...
The crowd who recently claimed that GameStop was going to $1,000 (currently at $45.53) are now boldly calling for Bitcoin...
People always seem surprised when the markets get caught up in crazy gyrations, like the ones we’re experiencing. But it’s...
For those unaware, to Impose Force Majeure is fancy way of saying “You’re gonna get screwed.” We cover this in...
Less than 24 hours after we warned about silver getting “Monkey Hammered,” the boyz released the monkeys to go after...
To all the Reddit “silver” Rebels and newbies to the silver market we would like to caution you to Beware...
In yesterday’s post (HERE) we said you should get out of GameStop because it looks like it’s Game Over. And...