Another war in the Middle-East? A Gas Crisis? And will the deaths in Gaza be classified as Covid? Enquiring minds...
Using the word therefore to make a point can be very confusing. And often taken totally out of context. Huh?...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this week we question whether the Bill and...
Gold is on the move, again. And, although I like gold, going back to a gold standard is a longshot....
When the markets get nervous – amplified by the Big Tech Presstitutes – most investors make the same mistakes because...
Yesterday was another one of those “make me want to puke” days hearing more lies from Uncle Warren Buffet (plastered...
One of the many old Wall Street adages – that traders often revere as the Gospel – is the simple...
Just over a year ago we lived through the Covid Crash when everyone thought the world was coming to an...
It used to be that being a conspiracy theorist was limited to, nut jobs, wacko’s, and fringe extremists wearing tin-foil...
During Donald Trump’s four short years as president, he was criticized from every possible angle. But there was one thing...