In 1933, the term "dumbing down" was movie-business slang, meaning "to revise to appeal to those of little education or intelligence." And...
Does anyone out there find it odd that, suddenly, we are hearing about Russian Space Nukes? And what’s equally...
How do you roll over nearly $8 Trillion in debt when there are no buyers? The answer is simple, yet complicated....
Without food and goods delivered to NYC you have about 7 days before chaos. In case you missed it,...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where in addition to most of the bizarro events taking...
If last month I told you that Nvidia (NVDA) would jump over 50%, would you have believed me? And/or would...
If you read yesterday’s post you might be wondering why we would even suggest saying “Is it time to sell Nvidia...
Most investors lose money in the market because they are lazy. And they want their advisor to “Give me a winner.”...
A recurring question we are hearing lately is When will we be normal again? But before you answer that question, you...
It wasn’t that long ago that Tim Tebow was practically crucified by the NFL for publicly declaring his Christian faith. ...