March 2025
March 10, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Supplying Outdated and Defective Weapons

In Case You Missed It Europe has been regularly supplying Ukraine with outdated and defective weapons.


Yes, you read that right.

And since Europe has recently given Trump the finger because he wants peace instead of war in Ukraine, they believe they can destroy Russia without US support.

Good luck with that.

Because, it’s being revealed that western countries are actively disposing of outdated and withdrawn weapons by sending them to Ukraine.

However, Kyiv has little choice but to accept what the allies offer, even though the quality and effectiveness of these weapons leave much to be desired.

Why is this so significant?

First, due to obsolete and defective weapons, the combat readiness of the Ukrainian military and its efficiency on the battlefield have significantly decreased.

And considering a conflict with Russia, which possesses advanced weaponry, this is a crucial factor.

Secondly, faulty weapons and ammunition increase the risk of accidents and injuries among personnel.


TRANSLATION: They (Europe) do not care about Ukraine and the 1.1 million Ukrainians who have already died in this conflict.


They only care about destroying Russia in the hopes of getting access to its $75 Trillion in natural resource assets.

Again, good luck with that.

Because “Without The US There Is No NATO And No Ukraine.”


READ:  Ukraine is NOT for Sale…LMAO! (HERE)



Outdated and Defective Weapons…Again


Ironically (or NOT) this is not the first time a Western Nation provided another country with outdated and defective weapons.

Cue up: “Weapons of Mass Destruction”

George Bush Sr. and Colin Powell used the propaganda/lies of Iraq having said weapons as a reason to steal most of Iraq’s gold reserves.

And in the process, killed over One Million Iraqi citizens while preaching to them how we were bringing Democracy to their backwards way of living.

Sad to say that 34 years later the nation of Iraq is worse off than they were under Saddam.

Years after the Gulf War it was later discovered that most weapons, tanks, bombs, guns, ammo, grenades, and other military hardware we used in Iraq was old inventory…some dating back as far as WWII.


Such is the fate of Ukraine in 2025.


READ:  Tin-Foil Times February 2025 (HERE)


Adding gasoline to this already burning European Towering Inferno is that Europe is facing major problems.

And we must ask ourselves the question:


How may world wars will we let Europe drag us into?

(Cough! WWI, Cough! WWII, Cough! Cough!)


So, without trying to be too cynical, you could say that the whole point of the war between Ukraine and Russia was to encourage NATO to give Ukraine old stuff so they would have to buy new stuff from the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).

(Cough! Dick Cheney’s Halliburton, Cough! Cough!)




Because when the old stock runs out, the war would then be settled.


Translation: Use Ukraine as an excuse to dump all of Europe’s old worn-out weapons as an excuse to rebuild their entire military and ring the cash register in the process.



MAKE NO MISTAKE HERE…WW3 is unavoidable at this point.

And be sure to read our upcoming March newsletter to learn how invest with WW3 in mind (HERE).

Share this with a friend…especially if they still Stand With Ukraine. They might not like you but they’ll thank YOU later.

And tell them:


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