Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies where, this week we saw another effective Covid treating drug, IVERMECTIN, come under assault simply because it works.
Kinda like Hydroxychloroquine…remember that one?
Since 1975 Ivermectin has been effective in treating millions of cases of infection linked to parasites.
Ironically (or NOT) the use of Ivermectin been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for medicine (2015).
And it’s included in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of essential medicines.
You would think that’s a good thing.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…it has somehow become the scourge of the O’Biden/Hologram administration.
Maybe because it’s really cheap and with a proven track record.
Or maybe the Big Pharma Boyz see it as a threat to their monopoly on untested, unproven and experimental vax treatments for a virus that’s no more dangerous than the regular flu.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the only way the Globalists can keep the CoronaHoax alive is to ban doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to the average citizen.
Oh, Wait!
The Boyz in DC are doing that too.
As we are wont to say: “Follow the Money.”
Meanwhile, an unnamed president is telling us how his mandates on taking The Vax “…is not about freedom of personal choice” while simultaneously saying how Texas’ recent abortion ruling “is an attack on freedom and personal choice.”
To that we would like to point out an overlooked fact about “My Body My Choice”.
But let’s not get too far off topic here because this IS the Sunday Funnies.
And we truly believe that one of the best things you can do – to counter the current madness of tyrant wannabes – is to laugh at them – or at least smile – when you encounter rampant stupidity.
Why laugh?
It drives them crazy.
And it’s because they’re miserable and want everyone else to feel the same way.
And that’s precisely why we publish the Sunday Funnies.
And it’s also where we also enjoy publishing cartoons, memes, and stories that may seem silly and yet funny for no particular reason.
Rest assured we won’t apologize if our Funnies hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings.
So, as we poke fun at the headline grabbers, we want to point out that our use of sarcasm has become an escape valve to counter the urge to simply slap the crap out of far too many stupid people.
As usual, we remind you that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.
And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.
As always, we remind you: As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.
Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful…
Because It’s Extremely Effective in Killing Parasites…
What Dr Frauduci and Hillary Have in Common
Does This Mean that the New York Times is Finally Getting a Conscience?
Probably Not.
When Self-Important Celebs Think They’re Important…
Bette She Didn’t See That One Coming
That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.
Unless, of course, you want to see some of our NSFW memes in our September edition of our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
We find that most of our free-thinking subscribers agree on several issues.
- How they benefit from a wealth of information that can only come from our over 110+ years of experience on Wall Street.
- How we take what’s often considered confusing and complicated and explain it to you in a language that simple and easy to understand.
That’s why we call it “…In Plain English.”
Go ahead! Upgrade to our PREMIUM Content (HERE).
You won’t regret it.
And you’ll never look at the investment world the same again.
And, in the process, you’ll also acquire that “EDGE” that 99% of investors never seem to find.
Remember, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members.
Caution: They may get offended.
But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.
And be sure to tell them…
We’re Not Just About Finance.
See You Next Sunday…
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