September 16, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sunday Funnies, If You’re Not Offended…

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week at the DNC, we saw what the heart of the Democrats really represents as Planned Parenthood had buses driving around Chicago offering free abortions and vasectomies as a political stunt.


Because nothing says “let’s control population growth” by sterilizing young kids who are too stupid to realize they are allowing the government to tell them what to do with their bodies.


READ:  Saturday Rant…DNC Debauchery  (HERE).





Ironically (or NOT) throughout the convention, very little was mentioned about Policy and/or Biden riding off into the sunset.


Instead, most of the speakers focused on Trump and why he is bad…and why everyone should vote democrat.


It’s the only policy they can come up with.

At the same time, we saw a multitude of wealthy speakers lecturing the crowd (copying the RNC/ Hulk Hogan effect) about how bad it is to be rich.

AKA…income inequality.






And like any other liberal gathering, the peasants were treated to listening to ultra-wealthy celebrities giving their $0.25 cent worth (adjusted for inflation) about not trusting “Rich People.”






Adding Insult to Injury, Lying, and Hypocrisy, the Highlight of the DNC Was Supposed to Feature a Performance by Beyonce. But Alas, Ms. Beyonce Was Unavailable for Comment





Ironically (or NOT) on Friday (after the convention) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made headlines as he stepped up and formally announced his support for Donald Trump for president.

And the photo op of him shaking hands with Trump in front of a brilliant light show of fireworks was the highlight of the week for MAGA fans.


As expected, the rich, celebrity, Trump hating liberal fans were not so amused.





As a result, panic among the Demoncrat Party is – once again – front and center.





In other news last week, Bidenomics took another shot on the chin when it was revealed that the U.S. economy overcounted 818,000 jobs from April 2023 through March this year than were originally reported.

Question:  How do you miss overstate overcount 818,000 jobs and no one catches on?

Maybe it has something to do with their voter base mentality.





And Speaking of Bidenomics…What a Difference One Month and One Candidate Makes





And “Flying Under the Radar” last week, Elon Musk continued his assault on the Gaslighting Presstitutes by proving how they have lied… especially about Kamalama Dingdong running head-to-head with Trump in the polls.





But that is precisely why we publish the Sunday Funnies.


You see, we use our funnies/memes/cartoons to counter the madness and frustration that accompanies Turbulent Times.






Because when it is all said and done, we all need to laugh every now and then.


Laughter is good for your soul.

And it is healthy to be a bit silly…especially in the face of fear mongering, medical tyranny, and especially the threat of WWIII.

It’s even more reason why we won’t apologize…especially if our Funnies just happen to hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings.


And please remember:


The Sunday Funnies are not just about our nations bizarre state of politics/finance/beliefs.

It’s about awareness of what’s happening in the world that we choose to poke fun at.


And, if our funnies/memes/cartoons/etc. provide you with a laugh or two – and/or open your eyes to some stark realities – then we consider that a victory.


So, when things tend to get a bit overwhelming, we believe it’s best to remember that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.

And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.

As always, we remind you:  As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.

Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful…


P.S.  The Madness Ends WHEN WE SAY: “NO!”


…and the word WE means a majority.








We Wonder How Long it Will Take (IF EVER) for Liberals to Figure This Out…







Borrowing from a Will Smith/Chris Rock Hollywood Stunt, RFK Jr. Shows America What He Thinks of Todays’ Democrats







Speaking of the Will Smith/Chris Rock Slapping Charade, Has Anyone Noticed…







Speaking of “News Cycles” …or Lack Thereof…







Re-Branding Democrats Without Anyone Noticing







Speaking of Re-Branding…






How One Letter/Typo Can Make A Point







How an Amusement Theme Park Could be Considered Anti-Semitic







When You Realize What the “Woke” Movement Represents You will Be More Inclined to Educate Your Kids with the Truth… “And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall Make You Free.”


~ John 8:32 ~







Saw This the Other Day and Realized…







How They Plan on Bringing Monkeypox Back Into the Limelight…Just in Time for the Election







How to Determine Your Risk of Getting the New and Improved Monkeypox







And Since the Boyz Are Preparing to Bring Monkeypox Back, You Should Prepare On How to Deal With it







Because Our 2nd Amendment Is the Main Difference Between Us and the Rest of the World, Americans Are Stacked…Rightfully So







Speaking of Firearms, Here’s Another Meme from the “Oh, the Irony” Category







Netflix Announces the Release of the New “Austin Powers” Movie







This Falls Under the “White Dudes for Harris” Category







In An Attempt to Replace Curry as England’s Favorite Food, the Brits Try Mixing Italian Cuisine With Their Favorite Staple






A Thought That Crosses Our Mind on a Regular Basis







When a Vegetarian Acts Superior to You Because of Your Diet, Tell Them…







In Case You Missed it, Today is a Special Holiday That You Probably Didn’t Know About







“Back to School” is All Fun and Games Until…










That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.


Unless, of course, you want to see more risqué and/or NSFW memesyou can find them (HERE).


And for the remainder of “What’s in Store for 2024” you can rest assured we’ll poke fun at many of the headline grabbers every weekend, as usual.



As always, we hope you enjoy our memes/cartoons/rants etc. and that they bring a smile to your face.

We love to hear your comments so keep ‘em coming.


And although the world seems pretty dark these days, we encourage you to see why you have a lot to hope for in 2024 and beyond (HERE).


In the meantime, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members.


Caution: They may get offended.


But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.

And be sure to tell them…


We’re Not Just About Finance…but we use finance to give you hope.


See You Next Sunday…


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