March 2025
March 9, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sunday Funnies, If You’re Not Offended…

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where if we’re not living in the end times it sure feels like it.

With lawyers using terms like: “Release the Kraken, Epic Fraud of Biblical Proportions, Life Won’t Ever be Completely Normal Again, etc. it’s hard to imagine we’ll have a peaceful resolution over our election results.

But, Hey!

It’s cool, right?

After four years of Full Blown In Your Face rage against President Trump, the Party of Peaceful Protests expect you to accept their claim of no voter fraud.


And they also expect you to run up the white flag in surrender and come sit by the campfire so we can all heal and sing Kumbaya.

I can think of two words that express how most of us feel about their purposeful destruction of what we once knew as government…and they’re not Merry Christmas.

But this IS the Sunday Funnies.

And we’re here to poke fun at the headline grabbers with reckless abandon to hopefully brighten your day.

We believe that laughing with a purpose is a great alternative to thinking how nice it would be to grab certain politicians by the…Oops! Sorry… getting off track here.

In any event, we use our funnies to remind you that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.

We hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.

Remember – as difficult as things might appear – Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And righteousness prevails.

Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave…Not by the Fearful. 




“For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”

1 Peter 3:12



How Soon Before We See Those “Peaceful Protestors” Again…December 15th?


A Belated R.I.P for Alex Trebec.  Jeopardy Will Never Be the Same.

Only Those Who Saw Evidence on Hunter Biden’s Laptop Will Get This
Okay! Two Can Play that Release Game…
Hey, Flu Experts! Explain This…
If You Didn’t Ride a School Bus, You Won’t Get it…
Democrat Brain Trust Ideas as Seen By Gun Owners
Awwww, How Nice.  More Warmth and Wisdom from the President Who Droned, Caged, and Displaced More Kids than Any Other President.
Tis the Season to Die Hard
Instead of Giving Credit to Trump…
We All Know that One Person…
Liberal Reason #49…Ashamed of Being White
Liberal Reason#50 Ashamed of Being White
And the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes Wonder Why They Have ZERO Credibility.
80’s Rappers Ongoing Attempt for Relevance…LOL!
Don’t Worry, We Know How the Story Ends
Hey, Liberals!  Tick, Tock, Dudes.
Of the Four Races (Yellow, Red, Black, and White) Which One Does Capitalism Fall Under)?
The Charlie Brown Christmas Show is Still One of the Best of All Times
Speaking of Holiday Shows…
Not Everyone is Excited About the Gyms Reopening
“Dude” in This Case Can Be Male or Female
Revenge of the Nerds Has Finally Come of Age
For Those Who Believe in Righteousness, Remember…


That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.

Unless, of course, you want to take advantage of our BLACK FRIDAY SALE of our “…In Plain English” newsletter which ends at Midnight Tonight (HERE).

Seriously, you won’t find a better deal for understanding how Wall Street really works…and how to profit like the 1% instead of losing like the 99%.

For less than the price of a couple lattes per monthly issue you’ll learn how to profit AND thrive in Turbulent Times.

Our deeply discounted monthly rate of $8.75 has no contract or long-term commitment.

If you don’t like it, you simple cancel your subscription at ANY time.

However, the Best Deal is ridiculously priced at $75 for the entire year.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, 2021 will be the best time in your life to follow someone through Wall Street’s mine fields.

Go ahead.

Join us now. (HERE)

You won’t regret it.


P. S. Remember, if you like our funnies, be sure to share them with friends and family members.

Caution: They may get offended.

But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.

And be sure to tell them…

It’s Not Just About Finance.

See you next week…

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